For many people, the cooler winter months are not so friendly when it comes to our skin. While you might see some people dealing with Jack Frost a little easier with just some cute rosy cheeks, the rest of us are struggling with dryness, peeling and tightness in our skin! So what do those people know that we don’t?!
It’s possible they have correctly altered their skin care regimen to accommodate the drop in temperature. Sometimes using the same moisturizer or following the same cleansing methods we did in the summer is only going to contribute to the overall winter dryness.
However, we don’t need to over-complicate the process, there are very simple changes you can make to help you have the healthy skin you’ve been longing for this winter:
HOLD THE HEAT: Lay off the scorching hot water when washing your face or bathing. Switch to lukewarm water which will help prevent drying out your skin. Speaking of heat, the winter months not only affect your skin but it can make our hair more dry and brittle as well. Try not to dry your hair every day and definitely be mindful of other hair tools that add heat to your hair!
MOISTURIZE AFTER EVERY WASH: Moisturizing is a given when it comes to skin care but are you waiting too long to put it on after washing? Whether it be your face, hands or body, add lotion or cream immediately after washing to help hold in moisture. You may need to switch to a thicker lotion for the cooler weather. Hopefully this will help prevent against peeling and cracking!
APPLY SUNSCREEN: Yes, even in the winter time! The sun is still out and about sharing its UVA and UVB rays year round, which means you need to protect yourself year round! If you get a winter sunburn, just imagine the amount of peeling and dryness you would experience. No thanks! Look for a moisturizer that has at least 30 SPF. Here are our sunscreen suggestions!
HYDRATE: Did you know up to 60% of our body is water? Many of our organs are primarily made up of water and you know what your skin is? The biggest organ on your body! Therefore, if you are dehydrated you can start to see those side effects in your skin, so hydrate from the inside out! Your skin will thank youJ!
We hope these tips will help you have healthy hydrated skin this winter but if you need some more tips and suggestions, always schedule an appointment with your dermatologist!
Our Asheville dermatology office is ready and willing to help, 828.585.5489!