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5 Tips to Get your Rosacea under Control


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Skin…it’s the largest organ we have, it’s the first thing people see when they look at us and when we have skin issues, it’s the one thing that can consume our thoughts and increase our stress level. Ugh! Why can’t we all keep the peachy smooth and soft skin we are born with?!

Any type of skin issue can cause us distress, whether it be acne, dry or oily skin, big pores, freckles, warts, or rosacea. Rosacea is very common and can be as mild as simply having a higher tendency to blush or flush to as severe as swelling, skin thickening or having acne-like breakouts!

Rosacea affects over 14 million people and is more common in those between the ages of 30-50, if you have fair skin, if someone in your family has had rosacea or if you have had a history of a lot of acne.

Rosacea may not have a distinctive cure but there are things you can do to help control flare ups. Here are 5 tips to help you control rosacea symptoms:

  1. Examine your Diet. That’s right. What we eat and consume can show itself via our skin! Likely trigger foods for rosacea my vary from person to person but some to watch out for are alcohol, caffeine, sugar and processed foods, some dairy, fried foods and those high in trans fat. Focus more on fruits and veggies, lean proteins and healthy fats to control rosacea!
  1. Stay Protected! – Being exposed to UV light seems to aggravate rosacea symptoms and can bring on a flare up! Make sure to always wear sunscreen no matter what time of the year to help control rosacea!
  1. Moisturize Year Round. Not only do we need to wear sunscreen year round, we need to make sure we moisturize properly year round as well! Providing adequate moisture to our skin can help control rosacea symptoms and help to restore the skin barrier. You may want to ask your dermatology office if they suggest a specific gentle moisturizer or you can try a naturally antibacterial option like coconut oil.
  1. Stress less! As if you didn’t have enough to worry about, now you have to stress about stressing?! Unfortunately, stress is a common trigger for rosacea flares. Try incorporating some stress relieving activities in your life like exercise, journaling and spend time with those who make you laugh to control rosasea!
  1. Schedule an appointment with DermaBlue Dermatology in Asheville, NC. If you haven’t had your rosacea examined, it’s always a good idea to see a medical professional for rosacea treatment. There are treatments out there to help control rosacea if you find trying the above tips are not as helpful as you hoped!


Need a dermatology office and live in the Asheville area? Call DermaBlue today at 828.585.5489. We are accepting NEW patients!

Dr. David LaMond, D.O.

Dr. LaMond is a nutrition, hormone and prevention expert. Drawing from his foundation and board certification in Family Medicine, he has created the core medical principles behind the blue sky concept of total patient care…




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