Yes, we may be a little over a month out from the first day of Fall but this hot weather has us counting down the days to leggings and boot season! However, the upcoming cooler weather also has us re-thinking our skin regimen. Not only will it be cooler outside but the air will also be a lot dryer which can cause the unsightly dry, flaky skin a lot of us face in the Fall and Winter months.
Luckily, we are getting a head start on things and there are different daily and weekly steps you can take to keep your skin looking fresh and moisturized to prevent seasonal dry skin! Here are our favorites:
- Switch moisturizers. Your Summer facial lotion may not be enough to prevent dry skin this Fall. Switching to a cream based option can provide the protection your skin needs and can prevent it from becoming parched. However, don’t forget about the rest of your body. You also might want to try switching to a moisture-rich cream-based cleansing lotion when showering and don’t forget to follow-up with a post-cleansing moisturizer to prevent dry skin!
- A good body scrub and facial exfoliate can help remove dead skin cells from your body. Try using an oil-based sugar scrub which will help your skin to hold in its moisture. Exfoliate once per week to prevent seasonal dry skin!
- Apply sunscreen. We know, Summer will be over so why do you still need to wear sunscreen?! Unfortunately, UV rays do not take a vacation during the cooler months. Protection is still necessary to prevent against skin cancer risks and the aging effects of the sun. Check out our top sunscreen picks here!
- Moisturize from the inside out! Drinking plenty of water will help to keep your skin supple and prevent dry skin. If you have a hard time drinking cold water during the cooler months, try drinking some hot tea to contribute to your daily intake. You can also try investing in a humidifier for your home to keep the air and skin full of moisture!
- Get a post-summer facial.  Give your skin the refreshed look it needs by treating yourself to a facial to prevent seasonal dry skin. Don’t know where to go? We have the perfect place to get one here at DermaBlue! Call today, 828.585.5489, to schedule yours!
Your skin is your body’s biggest organ so don’t deprive it of some much needed pampering! It can make the transition into the cooler months a lot smoother and ensure you maintain a healthy skin glow!