6 Causes of Acne That You Might Not Suspect


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Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. Most people who have acne are teenagers or young adults, but acne can occur at any age. Acne may be treated with a combination of remedies including over-the-counter skin care, acne medications, and chemical or laser procedures. Below are 6 causes of acne that can worsen or cause new acne growth.

Your Facial Products are Too Heavy

Check out your moisturizing products. Some products contain pore-clogging ingredients like Mineral oil. It can clog your pores and cause break outs. Silicones in skin care and cosmetics are another ingredient to avoid, as they can also clog your pores. Make sure your skin care products you’re using are labeled “noncomedogenic,” which means the product has been specifically formulated not to clog your pores.

You smoke

Smoking decreases the amount of oxygen that goes to your face. This reason for acne not only predisposes you to cancer, and causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin that leads to wrinkles and increased pore size, but the carcinogens in the smoke also irritates your skin and dries it out, triggering your skin to produce more oil and possibly more breakouts.

You’re Over-Scrubbing Your Skin

Vigorously scrubbing your skin will not result in smoother, clearer skin. Oftentimes, what happens is that you scrub the active acne and the blemish-causing bacteria across the skin, worsening the condition. Instead, gently wash and moisturize your face with a gentle, yet effective system (cleanser, toner, moisturizer) that contains pore-clearing ingredients, like alpha hydroxy acids, glycolic and lactic acids.

You Can’t Stop Picking

While you might think it helps, popping and picking at pimples only prolongs healing time and raises the risk of scarring with this reason for acne. Even worse, infected material can get pushed further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness.

You’re Detergent Could Be to Blame

Some chemicals in laundry detergent can be too harsh for your skin, and once you slip on your clothes or lie on your pillow, your skin might react to the residue that’s left on the fabric, resulting in breakouts on your face, back, butt, chest, etc. If you suspect your clothes or your pillow cases are causing acne, switch to a detergent that’s fragrance- and dye-free, and dermatologist-tested for sensitive skin. Once you’ve found the right detergent, wash your pillowcases weekly as dirty pillowcases heavily saturated in oil and bacteria will inflame the acne.

Dirty Brushes

Makeup brushes and sponges are constantly collecting leftover makeup and gathering bacteria and yeast, which can lead to a type of acne known as Folliculitis. Clean your dirty makeup brushes and switch out your sponges once a week to keep them gunk-free and face-friendly.

If these 6 causes of acne is taking a toll on self-esteem, becomes painful, causes scarring, or if over-the-counter treatments aren’t clearing it up, contact us for a consultation. We use the most advanced technologies to benefit our patients, within a state-of-the-art medical skin care office.


dr david lamond, medical director of dermablue, dermatology asheville

Dr. David LaMond, D.O.

Dr. LaMond is a nutrition, hormone and prevention expert. Drawing from his foundation and board certification in Family Medicine, he has created the core medical principles behind the blue sky concept of total patient care…




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