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Anti-Aging Skincare Plans – What is right for you?

The beauty and skincare industry’s popularity seem to be soaring higher than ever these days. Statistics show that the global skincare market is projected to increase from $134 BILLON to $180 BILLION by the year 2024. Many go without haircare products or makeup—but skincare seems to be a universal must-have.

This information also confirms how it can be overwhelming when trying to put together an at home skincare routine that best suites their needs. Not only is price a deciding factor but also ingredients and what the product claims to do also fall into consideration. Without some type of research or education it can be a headache to do on our own. There are creams, foams, serums, sprays, and masks that all claim to have similar qualities. How do you choose?

At Dermablue, our goal is to be a source of education and encouragement to our patients as they decide to work on improving their skin. Many of our treatment options help correct common skin issues but without proper at home skincare we know it will hinder final results. Knowing that is key to providing our patients with the most effective treatment plan in office and at home.

Before we even discuss specific skincare products with our patients we review at home lifestyles that will help create the foundation to your daily routine. Again, education is key for our patients to take full advantage of the journey they are starting to healthier and happier skin.

1. Sun Protection

This seems like an obvious one but we emphasis over and over how sun exposure can speed up the aging process of our skin. UVA rays age our skin while UVB rays burn our skin. Damage that occurs may not show up for years to come even if our skin seems to visibly heal from a sunburn during our lifetime. Sun damage can happen as we are inside as well. There are many environmental factors that aide in aging our skin besides rays that cause a sunburn.

This is why daily sunscreen applications are so important to skincare routines. If we wait until we are outside for extended periods of time we are only solving half the problem. Don’t be afraid to look for shady spots when outside as well as wear protective clothing and hats. Even sunglasses help to guard the tender skin around our eyes from excessive sun exposure.

2. Indoor Tanning

This activity needs to fall off the radar completely. Indoor tanning is increasingly becoming more of an indicator for skin cancer causes every year. Tanning beds increase sun exposure in a shorter amount of time to produce quicker results. Our skin is not created to handle this and will show signs of deterioration in different forms as time passes.

3. Use Moisturizer

As we get older our skin tends to get drier. Volume loss over time creates fine lines and other areas that with moisturizer can help seem plumper and more youthful. Moisturizers work to replenish what seems to be suffering in the top layers of our skin. Moisturizer is not only important on our face but also the rest of our body as well—and don’t forget to regularly apply lip balm that contains SPF for sun protection and moisture for the lip area. This is another area that surprisingly has a lot of damage from the sun over time.

4. Wash Away Dirt and Debris

The act of washing our face seems like an easy mindless task. While it is easy, there are certain aspects to keep in mind for best outcome. Use warm water instead of cold or hot. Hot water can aggravate the skin and cold water can close pores and keep them from soaking in the ingredients in products that need to do some work.

Use a cleanser that best suits your skin and has ingredients that make your skin happy. Don’t use harsh cleansers with scrubbing agents that could cause microscopic scratches. These scratches over time could cause areas of hyperpigmentation and scarring.

5. Stop Smoking

Smoking causes many health issues. One area that shows damage is on the face from smoking. Drawn skin that appears to have a gray tint to it is the main observation. Toxins in the nicotine cause lots of trouble as the body finds ways to process it. It would make sense that the body would purge through the pores.

6. Eat Healthy

Our diet greatly impacts the health of our skin. Diets that are insufficient in fruits, veggies and lean meats will seem oilier and breakout prone among other issues. In the same aspect- water intake is key to have skin that is ready to be introduced to a corrective anti-aging skincare routine.

7. Sleep

Getting adequate rest gives our body time to reset and rejuvenate. This goes for the skin as well. As we sleep, our body boosts the blood flow to the skin which provides a healthy glow as we wake up. Without enough sleep we tend to look drab.

8. Schedule Regular Dermatology Appointments

At Dermablue, we try to do the homework for you. Routines for skincare products are the first step for a healthy skin foundation. We are here to piece together the perfect blend of products for each individual patient and look forward to seeing their results! Contact us today to set up your next dermatology appointment or schedule online today.

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