Skin tightening treatment and fat burning?! Sign me up! We all have areas of our body we aren’t happy with whether it’s small saddlebags on the side of our legs, a belly pooch, a little extra arm cushion or slight sagging in our face/neck area. However, most of us don’t want to go under the knife and/or aren’t candidates for it due to only needing a small amount of body contouring.
Luckily there are cosmetic options available that are non-invasive skin tightening treatments and can take care of the imperfections you keep focusing on when glancing in the mirror. Exilis skin tightening is a new dermatology technology that offers a non-surgical solution for fat reduction and skin tightening anywhere on the body using radio frequency energy. This thermal energy causes the fat cells to shrink while stimulating and strengthening the collagen, which improves skin laxity.
Sounds pretty ideal, right? Exilis skin tightening is a non-invasive treatment to help with fat burning and skin tightening, however, not everyone is an ideal candidate. Dermatologists feel the ideal candidates for these skin tightening treatments are as follows:
1. People within 5-10 pounds of their ideal weight. We all know how hard it can be to lose weight and it takes time. Those last 5-10 pounds can also be the most frustrating to lose due to approaching a healthy weight. Exilis skin tightening can be a great solution to help you get those lingering pounds off and to see that ideal number on the scale.
* To get the ‘best results’ it’s better to be closer to an ideal body weight based on the body area you are interested in
2. Middle-aged (40-50) with some slight facial sagging and wrinkles. As we age, we start to lose collagen in our skin which leads to gravity stepping in resulting in some sagging. Exilis can help to tighten those areas in the lower part of the face to help with a little elevation gain!
3. Anyone with small pockets of fat. If you have a little fat on your arms the gym just isn’t taking care of or maybe you just had a baby and your skin is not as tight as it used to be and you can’t get rid of that “mom pooch”, Exilis is a great option to get rid of those pockets of fat.
*The most common body areas we work on with Exilis are face, jowls, neck, arms, “bra fat”, thighs, “love handles” and abdomen.
Exilis is a wonderful option for someone looking for minor body contouring. You certainly won’t see the same outcome from Exilis as you would from something like liposuction so it is important to go in with realistic goals! However, if you fall into one of the above categories, you should see some great results and probably just the right amount to reveal the real you!
Check out our Asheville dermatology Specials page to learn more about our discount on Exilis!