6 Reasons Why You Need a Monthly Facial

Healthy skin is a feature we all wish to have and what you may not know is, healthy skin can be achieved if we use the right products and take the time to pamper ourselves! Getting a facial is one way to make sure you are taking care of your skin! Aesthetician facials are not just […]

Inspiring Acne Success Story

Inspiring Acne Success Story Whether you are 16 or 36, fighting acne is never fun. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne affects 40-50 million Americans, but who really cares what the statics are when you are one of them?! All you want is to know what to do to get rid of these […]

The 4 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

To laser or not to laser, that is the question, and your answer should be LASER! Laser hair removal is convenient and effective! Now it does not mean 100 percent hair reduction for the rest of your life, but rather 50 to 95 percent hair reduction, which in my book, is a great percentage if […]

2 Steps to Take If You Are Experiencing Balding or Hair Loss

Short, long, sleek, spikey, whatever your style, hair is a huge part of our appearance and oftentimes can contribute to our overall confidence and personality. Therefore, if we experience balding or thinning of our luxurious locks, Hair Loss can be very stressful and concerning. A bald spot is a sign of hair loss, also called […]

7 Steps for Skin Care in Winter

7 Steps to Winter-Proof your Skin Winter. The season of snow, new boots, hot chocolate and quality time spent by the fire! Unfortunately, it’s not always cozy for Winter Skin Care, warm fun as it can also bring about dry, cold air which in turn creates problem skin! Here are some great tips to fend […]

5 Winter Skin Care Tips to Care for Your Post-Summer Skin

With holiday parties in full swing, you’ll want to look your best. But, do you find yourself looking in the mirror and thinking your skin looks dull and lifeless? Summer’s harsh rays can leave their mark on your skin, one that’s easier to spot in the dry winter air. So how can you rejuvenate and […]

6 Causes of Acne That You Might Not Suspect

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. Most people who have acne are teenagers or young adults, but acne can occur at any age. Acne may be treated with a combination of remedies including over-the-counter skin care, acne medications, and chemical or laser procedures. Below are 6 causes of acne that […]

Botox Can Prevent Those Embarrassing Underarm Stains

Botox is pretty common in the world of cosmetic beauty treatments these days. Perhaps you or someone that you know have used it as a temporary cure for wrinkles and are thrilled with the results. Or maybe you would prefer to let your face age gracefully. Either way, most everyone has an opinion about the […]

Join Us for Our Grand Opening Celebration September 10th

Let’s get to know each other! Join us at our grand opening celebration on September 10th from 1:00-6:30PM. Come in and meet our highly-trained, professional staff and learn about our new, full-service dermatology practice where we treat a wide variety of skin care issues for both adults and children. No need to wait 4-6 months for an appointment; we’re accepting […]

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